Rhyming Words Matching Cards


Your students will enjoy this engaging activity to learn about rhyming words! These 24 activity cards and 48 picture cards will help your students recognise plenty of rhyming words and improve their writing and speaking skills.


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How to play-


1. Students choose an activity card with a word, picture and two blank spaces.

2. They must find two picture cards that rhyme with the word on their activity card.

3. Students place the two cards on the blank spaces.

4. Repeat the steps. Students will try to find as many rhyming words as they can.


Extension: Students can write all three rhyming words on a piece of paper or their mini whiteboards.


Your students will love this activity and find plenty of rhyming words! Simply print, cut and laminate and use as a fun literacy group activity. These cards are a fabulous addition to your literacy groupwork and rotations. They will have your students understanding and using rhyming words in no time!


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