Students will learn about:
- How Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities utilised the life cycles of different plant and animal species
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples relationship with plants and animals
- Land management techniques such as firestick farming and cool burns
- Environmental factors can affect life cycles such as fire and seed germination
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders perception of being an integral part of the environment
Information covered in the informational slides:
- Indigenous Australians And Their Relationship With Nature
- Their Relationship With Animals
- Which Animals Did Aboriginal Australians Hunt?
- Their Relationship With Plants
- The Silver Wattle (Acacia Dealbata)
- Plants Eaten for Nutrition
- Plants Used as Medicine
- Firestick Farming
- Cultural Burning
- Land Management
- ATSI Peoples Understanding of Life Cycles
- ATSI Peoples Understanding of Insects: Moths
- ATSI People as an Integral Part of the Environment
This resource includes 4 worksheets that improve knowledge about the life cycles of animals and plants.
An answer key is included for easy marking!
Worksheet 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories & Culture: Land Management (Close Passage) – Includes Answer Key!
Worksheet 2: Inland vs. Coastal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities – Includes Answer Key!
Worksheet 3: Research Task: ATSI Knowledge of Animals
Worksheet 4: Research Task: ATSI Knowledge of Plants