End of Year Certificates – Class Awards

Are you looking for fun end of year awards for your students?

These 35 class certificates are a fantastic way to congratulate your students for their hard work and praise their unique skills demonstrated throughout the school year.

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What’s Included?


There are 35 colourful certificates in this download. Enough so that each student can be recognised with a unique award that represents their positive attributes and skills. The awards are listed below:


  • Book Worm
  • Class Clown
  • Crazy Scientist
  • Kind Hearted
  • Most Courageous
  • Dancing Queen
  • Dancing King
  • Best Singer
  • Best Athlete
  • Super Attendance
  • Spelling Champ
  • Most Enthusiastic
  • Absolutely Honest
  • Miss Manners
  • Mr Manners
  • Wonderful Writer
  • Always On Time
  • Adventure Seeker
  • Healthy Habits
  • Helping Hand
  • Ray of Sunshine
  • Awesome Attitude
  • Math Genius
  • Number Ninja
  • Most Artistic
  • Future Teacher
  • Computer Whiz
  • Handwriting Hero
  • All Around All Star
  • Goal Getter
  • Animal Whisperer
  • Growth Mindset Guru
  • Stem Superstar
  • Musical Master
  • Super Achiever


These are a wonderful way to end your school year!

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