Financial Literacy Maths Booklet for Year 4 & 5


Looking for engaging financial maths worksheets to improve your students skills? This ‘Shopping Superstars: Money Adventures for Kids’ booklet includes 15 pages of real-world activities that will enhance their money and financial mathematics skills that can be incorporated into their daily lives.


The activities found in this booklet align to the following Australian Curriculum outcomes:

  • ACMNA080 – Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies (Year 4).
  • ACMNA106 – Create simple financial plans (Year 5).


The skills your students will develop using this booklet:

  • Building financial math vocabulary
  • Adding items to work out the total (dollars and cents)
  • Calculating percentages (25%, 50%, 60% and 75% discounts)
  • Calculating and rounding prices to the nearest 5-cents
  • Medium and hard word problems involving real-world financial math problems
  • Budgeting to plan a pool party
  • Calculate the change with different notes
  • Calculating the total cost of multiple items in one purchase
  • Profit and loss calculations
  • Comparison shopping – choosing the better deal


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Pages included:

1. Cover page for students to write name and decorate

2. Financial Maths Crossword Puzzle

3. Sweet Treats: Donna’s Dessert Shop

4. The Enchanted Reel Cinema: A Night at the Movies

5. A Woolly Winter: Seasonal Sales

6. Let’s Get Fruity: Calculating and Rounding Prices

7. Money Word Problems I (Difficulty: Medium)

8. Money Word Problems II (Difficulty: Hard)

9. Shopping Catalogue: Let’s Plan a Pool Party

10. Planning on a Budget: Let’s Plan a Pool Party

11. Terry’s Technology Store: 50% – 75% Discounts

12. Stationary Price Match: Rounding to the Nearest 5-Cents

13. Calculate the Change: Shopping Spree

14. Furniture Shopping: The Total Cost of Multiple Items

15. Profit and Loss: Business Calculations

16. Comparison Shopping: Choosing the Better Deal


This resource includes an Answer Key for easy marking! ✓


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