How Living Things Depend on Each Other and the Environment


Are you looking for a no-prep resource to teach about the interdependence of plants and animals?

This resource is perfect for Year 4 students are completing the Science unit Biological Sciences (ACSSU073) with a focus on how living things depend on each other and the environment to survive.

Includes 17 informational slides and 4 worksheets that are a great way to check your students understanding and can be used for assessment.

An answer key is provided for easy marking!


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Informational slides address the following-

  • The Habitats of Different Animals ( River, Desert, Coastal)
  • The Interdependence of Living Things
  • Symbiosis Vs. Competition
  • The Relationship Between Plants and Animals
  • How Trees Provide Shelter for Animals
  • The Relationship Between Owls and Trees
  • The Roles of Living Things in a Habitat: Producers, Consumers & Decomposers
  • Three Types of Consumers: Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores


Worksheets include:

1. Close Passage Task: The Roles of Living Things in a Habitat

2. Word Sorting Task: Producer, Consumer or Decomposer

3. True or False & Multiple Choice Questions: The Relationship Between Living Things

4. Picture Sorting Task: Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores


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