Multiplication Booklet for Year 3 Students


Are you searching for no prep maths activities to improve your students multiplication skills? This multiplication booklet for Year 3 students includes 14 tasks that will enhance your students abilities to multiply one and two digit numbers by 2, 3, 5 and 10.

This download also includes printing instructions to make the whole process quicker and easier for you!


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Pages in this booklet:

1. Cover page with illustrations and space for students to write their names

2. Multiplication facts (x2, x3 & x5)

3. Number patterns (describe and continue number patterns)

4. Multiplication word problems (x2, x3 & x5)

5. Multiplying with visual representations/ arrays

6. Doubling multiples of 5

7. Finding the multiples and common multiples of 2, 3, 5 & 10

8. Multiplication pairs game (board game involving x2, x3, x5 & x10)

9. Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe (pairs game)

10. Multiplication robots (multiplying various numerals by 3, 5 & 10)

11. Times table speed challenge

12. Multiplication facts of x2, x3, x5 & x10

13. Multiplying in columns

14. Multiples 100 chart for x2, x3, x5 & x10

15. Colouring multiplication activity


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