Reading Comprehension Worksheets – Fairy Tale 4


This product provides a unique author-written fairy tale called ‘Princess Kelly and Whirlwind’. This reading passage is two pages long and will captivate the minds of your students! We have also included four tasks to enhance your students comprehension skills!


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  • Worksheet 1 – Multiple choice questions: Students use their knowledge from the reading passage to circle the correct answer.


  • Worksheet 2 – Short answer comprehension questions: Students use their knowledge from the reading passage to answer questions using sentences. Includes What, How and Why questions.


  • Worksheet 3 – Sequencing activity: Students cut and paste events from the story in the correct order from beginning to end.


  • Worksheet 4 – Vocabulary task: Students highlight 5 unfamiliar words from the story, find the meaning then create their own sentences using these tricky words.


Includes an ANSWER KEY for easy marking ✔


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