Edmund Bartons Contribution to Federation


Aligned with the Australian Curriculum for Year 5 and 6 students: Key figures and events that led to Australia’s Federation, including British and American influences on Australia’s system of law and government (ACHHK113). This is a fantastic learning tool for stage 3 students who are completing the History unit: Australia as a Nation.



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Worksheet Activities:

1. Students must recall the colours and symbols used in the Australian flag. They will colour in a template and list parts of the flag (Union Jack, Commonwealth Star, 5 stars of the Pleiades)

2. Students design their own flags that represent modern day Australia. They must explain their colour choices and symbols used.

3. Edmund Barton Questions Worksheet- Student’s apply their knowledge from the informational slides to answer questions about Sir Edmund Barton and his time in Parliament as Australia’s first Prime Minister.

4. Edmund Barton Biography Worksheet- Fill in Sir Barton’s personal biography that documents his beliefs, occupations, place and country of birth, significant events, birth/death dates and fun facts!


Key inquiry questions that students will learn about:

  • Who was Sir Edmund Barton?
  • What is a tariff?
  • What is federation?
  • Australia’s transformation post-federation from 1901- 1931
  • Sir Edmund Bartons contribution to federation in Australia
  • The official Australian flag and final design in 1901
  • A dominant ‘white Australia’ and the Immigration Restriction Act.
  • Important events during Sir Edmund Barton’s leadership from 1901-1903
  • BONUS: 12 reflection questions at the end of PowerPoint to test knowledge



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