Snakes and Ladders Digraph Review Games


Learning how to read words with digraphs can be tricky for young students, this resource is perfect for kindergarten and Year 1 students who can improve their abilities to read common words with blends! It includes 10 games of Snakes and Ladders that focus on particular digraph groups, each type of blend is colour coded for students to make connections between the same sounds in different words. Each game has a range of different words for students to practice reading and is great for literacy rotations!


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The focus digraphs include:

Game 1: ch, sh, wh, th, ph

Game 2: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl

Game 3: br, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, wr

Game 4: -ing endings

Game 5: ai, ee, oa, oo, ar, or, ur

Game 6: ow, oi, er, oy, ay, ou

Game 7: ie, ea, ir, ue, aw, ew

Games 8: Trigraphs -igh and -ear

Game 9: Trigraphs -air and -ure

Game 10: Split Digraphs a-e, e-e, I-e, o-e, u-e


This download also comes both a coloured and black and white version. It also includes instructions on how to play the game ‘Snakes and Ladders’. Additionally, it comes with a blank template for teachers to custom pick the words their students will read. This resource is a MUST have if you teach Kindergarten, Year 1 or work as a casual teacher! Simply print, laminate and use as a life long teaching tool.


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