Math Booklet Year 2 BUNDLE


Includes four booklets that are aligned with the Australian Curriculum and covers all of the syllabus outcomes and content! A massive timesaver for Year 2 teachers with plenty of worksheets to choose from for assessment or revision throughout the year.


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Content covered:


1. Number and Algebra Booklet:

  • Number and place value, fractions and decimals, money and financial maths, patterns and algebra.


2. Measurement and Geometry Booklet:

  • Units of measurement, shape, location and transformations


3. Statistics and Probability Booklet:

  • Chance, data representation and interpretation


4. Daily Maths Problems Booklet for Year 1 & 2 Students: 

  • Covers all three content areas: number & algebra, measurement & geometry and statistics & probability.


Each resource includes a coversheet to print and turn into a work booklet or pick and choose which pages to use. All of the pages can be printed two to a page to save on paper (go to your printer settings to do this). Alternatively, you could laminate the pages to serve as early finisher activities or a maths center activities.


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