Landform Changes – Weathering, Erosion and Human Activity


Are you looking for a no-prep resource to teach your students landform changes caused by erosion, weathering and human activities? This resource is perfect for Year 4 students who are learning about Earth and Space Sciences and exploring how Earth’s surface changes overtime as a result of natural processes and human activity (Australian Curriculum Outcome: ACSSU075)

Includes 12 informational slides and 4 worksheets that are a great way to check your students understanding and can be used for assessment. Includes an Answer Key for easy marking!


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Informational slides address the following:

  • What is a landform?
  • How are mountains formed? (volcanic, fold and block mountains)
  • Australian landmarks
  • Weathering: Wave Rock, Western Australia
  • Erosion: The Twelve Apostles, Victoria
  • Human activities and erosion
  • How can we prevent erosion?
  • Vocabulary with meanings to enhance understanding


Worksheets include:

1. Close Passage: What is a Landform?

2. Close Passage: How Are Mountains Formed?

3. Short Answer Questions: Weathering and Erosion

4. Research Task: Changes to an Australian Landform Over Time


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